12 STEPS OF DIVORCE: Step 6 – Hiring a CFI, PRE, Vocational Evaluator, Real Estate Appraiser and Other Experts
For the next several months, the Andersen Law PC blog will spell out the 12 steps of divorce. In doing so, we will also track two divorcing couples making their way through the process. Spoiler alert: Art and Angela Aingel take the high road. While divorce is not...
12 STEPS OF DIVORCE: Step 7 – Motions to Compel and Telephone Conferences
“What the heck is a Motion to Compel?” Draco DeVille shouted into his cell phone to his buddy Art Aingel. Both of them were going through divorces. While neither of them were enjoying the process, Art and Angela Aingel’s divorce had been relatively calm....
Small Business Tips: Factors to Consider When Leasing Office Space
Deciding the location and operating conditions of a small business is an important decision to make. Certain types of small businesses may be operated from home, including those who do work such as graphic designers and consultants, off-site services such as...
12 STEPS OF DIVORCE: Step 8 – Temporary Orders Hearing
Desdemona DeVille and Angela Aingel sat on the bench by the country club where they had just finished a less-than-heated round of tennis. The whole match, Desdemona had kept stopping play and motioning Angela to the net so she could either boast about the Motion to...
What To Do When Your Ex Won’t Let You See Your Child
When a parent won’t allow another parent to see their child in accordance with a parenting plan or custody arrangement, often the injured party doesn’t know what to do. Fortunately, there are some ways to challenge another parent not allowing you to see your child or...
12 STEPS OF DIVORCE: Step 9 – Mediation
Part One: When your know-it-all ‘friend’ tells you about how mediation is a waste of time. Art Aingel was surprised when his friend Draco DeVille invited him golfing at the country club. Art, of late, had been running around like a college kid, getting the letters...
12 STEPS OF DIVORCE: Step 10 – Parenting Plans & Separation Agreements
Walking out of the mediation session with a fully signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) tucked firmly into her canvas messenger bag, Angela Aingel felt elated that her divorce was close to finality. Of course, from deep down, she was reminded that she was divorcing...
Social Security: The End of “File and Suspend”
When spouses both receive Social Security Benefits, they have an incentive to maximize the benefit of the lower lifetime earner by allowing him or her to receive spousal benefits based on the higher lifetime earner. On the other hand, the married couple also has an...