Family Law

Family law is an umbrella term that includes a wide range of types of cases, beyond divorce. Our attorneys have decades of experience serving clients in family law.

Andersen Law PC’s family law services include the following:

  • Divorce
  • Prenuptial agreements (also called prenups)
  • Postnuptial agreements (also called postnups)
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Legal separations
  • Annulments
  • Mediation
  • Adoptions including step-parent adoptions
  • Parenting time
  • Maintenance (also called alimony or spousal support)
  • Division of property
  • Child support
  • Civil unions
  • Allocation of parental responsibilities
  • Dependency and neglect proceedings
  • Contempt
  • Protection orders
  • Post-decree issues
  • Enforcement of court orders
  • Relocations
  • Grandparent proceedings
  • Guardianships

Basically, any type of legal issue a family may have is “family law.” If you need assistance with an issue listed above, or are unsure whether your case falls under family law, give us a call at 720-922-3880 or schedule your free consultation by clicking the button below.

Divorcing A Narcissist (Or Someone With Toxic Traits)

By: Beth Andersen-Filson Why are there so many narcissists? Must be something in the water. After all, that is where Narcissus saw and fell in love with his own reflection, arguably making him the father of all narcissists.  If you have been in a relationship with...

VIDEO: Parental Responsibilities Evaluators (PRE)

By: Beth Andersen Sometimes a Child Family Investigator (CFI) is not enough and the parties need to seek a Parental Responsibilities Evaluator (PRE). One reason may be training. CFI candidates must participate in training in order to be certified as a CFI. But they...

Fall 2019 Family Law Update: 10 Things You Need to Know

Beth Andersen and contract attorney Julie Nichols attended the Colorado Bar Association Fall Update on Oct. 25. Beth also attended the Child Out of Court Statements presentation on Oct. 18. Here are the top 10 takeaways you need to know regarding family law in...