by Beth Andersen | May 11, 2023 | 12 Steps of Divorce - Basic, Divorce
By: Breanna Latt In this series, the Andersen Law PC blog is spelling out the 12 steps of divorce one step at a time. The intent is to walk you through the process one simple step at a time. This month, we cover Step 7 of Divorce: Motions to Compel and Telephone...
by Beth Andersen | Apr 10, 2023 | 12 Steps of Divorce - Basic, Divorce, Real Estate & Divorce
By Breanna Latt In this series, the Andersen Law PC blog is spelling out the 12 steps of divorce on month at a time. The intent is to walk you through the process one simple step at a time. This month, we cover Step 6 of Divorce: Hiring a CFI, PRE, Vocational...
by Beth Andersen | Feb 4, 2023 | Divorce, Divorce & Parenting, Handling the Holidays
By: Breanna Latt Divorce is difficult on everyone involved, but is often the right choice for you and your family. As parents of young adults, your assumption may be that it’s easier for your children now that they’re older. Although there is truth in that statement,...
by Beth Andersen | Feb 4, 2023 | Divorce, Divorce & Parenting, Handling the Holidays, Resources for Children
By: Breanna Latt Going home, whether from school or just across town, can add a layer of stress to your life. After you turn 18, the court orders regarding your health care, who takes the tax deduction and parental time all become null and void. This can make visits...
by Beth Andersen | Jan 13, 2023 | Divorce, Domestic Violence, Testimonials and Reviews
We recently received this powerful client testimonial. We are keeping the client’s identity confidential, but feel it is important to share their story. If you are experiencing domestic abuse, know that you are not alone. You can call Family Tree’s domestic violence...
by Beth Andersen | Jan 12, 2023 | Divorce
By: Margot Zaher, certified Enneagram coach When faced with the pain and grief of divorce, we may get caught up in unhealthy patterns and thoughts that hinder our ability to process out the grief and heal our hearts. Not everyone responds the same when hit with the...