Access Free Legal Conference Each Week
If you're familiar with my practice, you know that I strongly believe in everyone having affordable access to legal advice and receiving as much or as little help as they want in a case. It is in that spirit that I offer unbundled - a la carte - legal services in...
12 STEPS OF DIVORCE: THE BASICS – Step 2 – Response to Petition for Dissolution
For the next several months, the Andersen Law PC blog will spell out the 12 steps of divorce. The following is a roadmap with the basics for 12 steps of a divorce proceeding. The intent is to walk you through the process a simple step at a time. (To see the process in...
How Do I Get the Court to Write an Order?
When a party wants the court to order the other party (or both parties) to do something, she must first make a motion with the court, explaining why she wants what she wants, what the facts are, what law applies, and how she wants it enforced. There are a few ways to...
How to Become a Notary in Colorado
Ever thought of becoming a notary? Here are the steps necessary to becoming one in Colorado. Notaries are regulated by the Colorado Secretary of State, so first click here to go the website. You will find a checklist of documents you will need before you can register...
12 STEPS OF DIVORCE: THE BASICS – Step 1 – File for Petition of Dissolution
For the next several months, the Andersen Law PC blog will spell out the 12 steps of divorce. The following is a roadmap with the basics for 12 steps of a divorce proceeding. The intent is to walk you through the process a simple step at a time. (To see the process in...
Mothers’ Rights, Fathers’ Rights — What’s Right?
I am sure there are some firms who, starting back in the days of Kramer v. Kramer, wanted to protect fathers. However, I personally think that several firms called themselves "fathers' rights" as a marketing device because the father is usually the higher...
How to Sign a Document Using ‘Power of Attorney’
A financial or medical power of attorney is a legal document where one person (the “principal”) grants another person (the “agent”) the “power of attorney” to act on the principal’s behalf in certain cases. For example, a principal could grant an agent the power to...
What Not to Post on Social Media After a Divorce
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have changed our world and caused people to evaluate how private they want to be and what they want to share with the world or extended friends and family via the Internet. But many people also post to social...