I am sure there are some firms who, starting back in the days of Kramer v. Kramer, wanted to protect fathers. What to Know Before Seeking a "Father's Rights" Law Firm - Andersen Law PC Beth Andersen

However, I personally think that several firms called themselves “fathers’ rights” as a marketing device because the father is usually the higher breadwinner.

Not every client is satisfied by the big firm who advertises on sports radio proclaiming fathers’ rights. I handle MANY cases that came from the so-called fathers’ rights firms who charged outrageously high fees, and then the clients were tapped out and weren’t even divorced yet. The label did them no good.

Beware also of the bait and switch where the big name attorney is hired and then a junior associate runs the case.

I get many cases from the nonprofit The Fatherhood Project, because I am fair, reasonably priced and work hard to get good results for my clients. I understand that men are misunderstood by some judges and face certain court biases. I also understand that a lot of mothers are savvy at setting up fathers in order to get a leg up in court. There are certain behavioral patterns with mothers who try to deny fathers parenting time or alienate the children against the father. It’s an intolerable practice, and we can predict behaviors and build evidence to overcome these efforts.

I love working on this type of case, and it is probably the bulk of my work.

However, I will never call myself a fathers’ rights firm any more than a mothers’ rights firm. I do not want to pigeonhole myself to ANY bias that may risk my objectivity. I want to know both sides of the equation because I think that is the best way to the best result for my clients.

If you or someone you know has been fooled by a firm claiming to solely focus on fathers’ rights or are considering seeking a firm that specifically targets mothers or fathers as clients, contact Andersen Law PC today by emailing me at beth@andersenlawpc.com or calling 720-922-3880, and we’ll discuss how I can fairly represent you, no matter which side you’re on.

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