by Beth Andersen | Sep 17, 2019 | Divorce, Real Estate & Divorce
Guest Post by Paige Michaelis, Realtor Ken Caryl is an incredible neighborhood where I have been privileged to live for the past three years. I have always found it interesting the extent to which people go to stay in this neighborhood. Either making long commutes to...
by Beth Andersen | Jul 15, 2019 | Divorce
Guest Post by Emily Wishall, embodiment coach and certified Rolfer When it feels like your life, as you currently know it, is falling apart, how can you come back to your conviction and confidence in who you are as a feminine woman? How do you get to rediscover your...
by Beth Andersen | Jun 7, 2019 | Divorce, Divorce & Parenting
Guest Post by Shannon Rios Paulsen, LMFT The issue of dating arises in every session of “Co-Parenting After Divorce” I facilitate. After working with thousands of families, I have come to believe that dating and remarrying are among the biggest risk factors for...
by Beth Andersen | Apr 2, 2019 | Divorce, Real Estate & Divorce
Guest post by Mike Olson of GO Colorado Realty Did you know that every 13 seconds, someone, somewhere files for a divorce? When you look for a home with your spouse, you don’t think about the possibility of a divorce. You think about the fun things about owning a...
by Beth Andersen | Feb 5, 2019 | Divorce & Parenting, Handling the Holidays, Videos
I recently sat down with divorce coach and consultant Dominique Nicole of to talk about the challenges of shared parenting time during the holidays and how to overcome them. Click below to learn what kinds of tactics to avoid when it comes to planning...