Before you choose a Halloween strategy for your family, be realistic about how your ex and you behave after the divorce or breakup. Here’s advice about how to strategize for Halloween, based on your family and co-parenting style. A. What type of Co-Parents Are...
Everything is a moving target with COVID-19, quarantine and overworked courts changing the way family law is practiced in our courts. Unfortunately, many staffers in our courts were furloughed when the courts already had more than they could do. In my opinion,...
By Beth Andersen The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that affects everyone. Courts are addressing urgencies, often from home and with skeleton staff. Absent an actual emergency or endangerment, both parents must co-parent cooperatively without court help, because...
Guest Post by Shannon Rios Paulsen, LMFT The issue of dating arises in every session of “Co-Parenting After Divorce” I facilitate. After working with thousands of families, I have come to believe that dating and remarrying are among the biggest risk factors for...
I recently sat down with divorce coach and consultant Dominique Nicole of to talk about the challenges of shared parenting time during the holidays and how to overcome them. Click below to learn what kinds of tactics to avoid when it comes to planning...