by Beth Andersen | Jun 27, 2023 | Divorce, Divorce & Parenting, Resources for Children, Resources for Children
We are excited to share a resource the Andersen Law PC team recently created to support children of divorce: Geared toward children of divorce who are middle school age to early 20s, the website provides details on what they can expect throughout...
by Beth Andersen | Feb 4, 2023 | Divorce, Divorce & Parenting, Handling the Holidays
By: Breanna Latt Divorce is difficult on everyone involved, but is often the right choice for you and your family. As parents of young adults, your assumption may be that it’s easier for your children now that they’re older. Although there is truth in that statement,...
by Beth Andersen | Feb 4, 2023 | Divorce, Divorce & Parenting, Handling the Holidays, Resources for Children
By: Breanna Latt Going home, whether from school or just across town, can add a layer of stress to your life. After you turn 18, the court orders regarding your health care, who takes the tax deduction and parental time all become null and void. This can make visits...
by Beth Andersen | Oct 7, 2022 | Depression in Children of Divorce, Divorce, Divorce & Parenting, Resources for Children
By: Carmen Sirhall, ALPC intern Throughout our years of counseling on family law and divorce cases, there has been a lack of resources for the kids involved in their parents’ divorce. Yet divorce is hard on everyone involved, including children, who are greatly...
by Beth Andersen | Sep 6, 2022 | Divorce, Divorce & Parenting
By: Breanna Latt Though a divorce may be necessary, it can be hard on everyone involved. As a parent, you need to put your child’s best interests above your own feelings about your ex. My parents divorced when I was just 1 year old, and I learned several lessons from...
by Beth Andersen | May 3, 2022 | Divorce & Parenting, Podcast
On this episode of “Breaking Upward,” host Beth Andersen, owner and attorney at Andersen Law PC, and attorney Philadelphia George, discuss the importance of giving children a voice in a divorce and how to keep them out of the middle. They address common misconceptions...