By: Carmen Sirhall, ALPC intern

Throughout our years of counseling on family law and divorce cases, there has been a lack  of resources for the kids involved in their parents’ divorce. Yet divorce is hard on everyone involved, including children, who are greatly impacted. This is why we created the Youth of Divorce website, which is all about helping kids through divorce. 

This website includes essential resources on what children can expect  to change during and after a divorce and how to cope with those changes. 

From the visuals to in-depth details about navigating divorce from a child’s perspective, the website is made with kids and teens in mind.

The youth of divorce can learn about their involvement in the legal process, what will change — mentally, for the family and through custody agreements — and how to support themselves. They can also gain access to other resources like videos and books. 

Users can also download the website for use offline here.

We encourage you to share the site with your own children, and with friends and family whose kids could benefit. 



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