Every year, a major focus for Beth Andersen is to devote dozens of hours to pro bono work, giving back to the community and helping anyone who wants it to access legal assistance. One way she does this work is through volunteering at a variety of free legal clinics around Jefferson County. The clinics typically allow visitors to attend on a first come, first served basis and to receive 15 minutes of free legal advice on their divorce or family law issue. Please share this information with family and friends who could benefit.

*Please note: All clinics are virtual, over the phone or video conference. Please be sure to call and register as necessary.

Below is Beth’s clinic volunteer calendar for 2024, so far. Keep an eye on the ALPC Facebook page and the ALPC Volunteering the Community tab for additional dates and events as they are added.

For details on all clinics offered statewide through Colorado Courts, including clinics on probate, collections and divorce, click here.

Library Clinic

This virtual clinic covers all areas of civil litigation. It is from 2 to 5 p.m. the first Thursday of each month via video conference or phone.

Residents can receive 15 minutes of advice from volunteer lawyers on all areas of civil litigation, including family law, property law and probate via Zoom connections at local libraries. Attendees can get help filling out forms and understanding processes and procedures related to civil litigation. 

Advanced registration is required. Appointments are available from 2–3:30 p.m. at the Belmar Library and 3:30-5 p.m. at the Golden Library.on the first Thursday of the month. Beth is scheduled to volunteer monthly. Appointments are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early. Call 303-235-5275 or visit bit.ly/JeffCoVPC. 


Divorce Information Clinic

This clinic is offered from 12-1:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of every month through the Jefferson County Courts. You’ll get 15 minutes with an attorney to discuss issues related to the divorce process, legal separation, dissolution of a civil union and APR (formerly child custody).

Topics include:

  • Initial Filings
  • Disclosures
  • Status Conferences
  • Sworn Financial Statements
  • Temporary Orders
  • Separation Agreements
  • Parenting Plans
  • Maintenance/Child Support
  • Parenting time and decision-making

Beth is scheduled to volunteer monthly. Advance registration and signed waiver are required. Email 01selfhelp@judicial.state.co.us or call 720-772-2501 for details and registration.


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