So you made the big decision to file for divorce. Or maybe the decision was forced on you because your marriage has become intolerable — it’s no longer a “real” marriage.

What now? It can feel overwhelming to even figure out how to begin the divorce process. But we can help.

If you want to file for divorce in Colorado without an attorney, here are the first three steps to get started.

STEP 1: Visit the Colorado Judicial Website by clicking here to access the necessary paperwork.

STEP 2: Review the forms for Dissolution of Marriage with Children if your spouse and you have minor children together. If all of your children are over 19 years of age or you have no children together, find the Dissolution of Marriage No Children forms.

As you get started with steps 1 and 2, I recommend that you read the appropriate flowchart — this one if you have children and this one if you do not — on the state judiciary site that outlines all the steps of filing for divorce as well as the General Steps on the site — this file if you have children and this one if you do not have children. These resources, combined with the information available on my website and this flowchart, will help you get an overall view of divorce in Colorado.

Once you’ve reviewed the pages listed above, it’s time for Step 3.

STEP 3: Complete the following three divorce papers:
Petition for Dissolution (Divorce or Legal Separation)
Case Information Sheet
Summons/Waiver of Service

(Note that Word document versions of those files are also available on the judicial website.)

By the end of the whole process, you will serve divorce papers, complete your financials and parenting class, go to the initial status conference and either settle your case or proceed to a Permanent Orders Hearing. Depending on how contested the case becomes, you may need a Temporary Orders Hearing, mediation or experts to get the job done.

To learn more about the first three steps of filing for divorce in Colorado, as well as some pro tips for completing the first steps, click below to view the related video.

If you are confused about the divorce process or have questions as you go, call Andersen Law PC at 720-922-3880 or visit to schedule a free consult.

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