denver university law school andersen law pc

On April 9, 2015, I was honored to appear with five other panelists to present to Denver University Law School students on entrepreneurial lawyering.

Increasingly, law students are embracing the option of hanging their own shingles rather than waiting for an offer to work for another attorney. The panel pointed out advantages of solo practice including flexibility, the ability to serve clients more efficiently and affordably, the lack of restraints on innovation and the unlimited creative control over the direction of the practice.

Students had several questions and were excited to hear that there are alternatives to the pressures and inefficiencies of traditional practice. I discussed creative billing and representation options such as unbundled legal services and video conferencing. Call me to discuss how this model can best help you with your family law issues.

February Will Special: Through Feb. 28, secure your future with a straightforward will for just $500.


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