When you hear the term “divorce attorney,” what comes to mind? Do you think of celebrities in the tabloids with their high-profile multi-million dollar divorces, custody battles and “conscious uncoupling”? Maybe you don’t take it quite that far, but you do think divorce attorneys are only for the wealthy. Fortunately, that is just a myth. You do not have to be rich to hire a divorce attorney.
Unbundled legal services offer a more affordable way for people to retain legal representation in a divorce. With unbundled legal services for divorce, you pay as you go and only pay for as much or as little legal assistance as you choose to use. This model allows for a reasonable retainer as well.
For example, I can coach you through a court conference or hearing so you are well prepared to handle it on your own. I can attend a hearing and withdraw after it is complete, allowing you to follow up on your own. I can also write your pleadings for you, edit your own drafts or review pleadings served on you to devise a strategy. One of the most important things I do is to review a separation agreement and advise clients as to its legal implications, often saving them heartache, court fees and unnecessary disputes in the process.
I offer unbundled legal services in the Greater Denver areas in order to make sure my clients get the representation that best suits them, at the price point they can afford.