Domestic Violence Survivor Tips

Guest post by Crisis Center Domestic violence continues to be a commonly misunderstood topic that is rarely discussed. Many believe abuse only looks like a black eye or a broken arm; while this is commonly the case, abuse also shows up in more covert ways that are...

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Las Cortes de Colorado Reabren en Mayo 2020

Ahora que las comunidades de Colorado se han movido de la orden de “Quedarse en Casa” a “Mas Seguros en Casa”, las cortes de Colorado actualmente están implementando aumentos en servicios en persona, empezando este mes. Anderson Law PC esta observando con suma...

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14 Tips for Your Video Court Hearing

By Beth Andersen With COVID-19 restrictions, many courts are holding hearings by video. As if the prospect of a court hearing is not daunting enough, now you have to make sure you have good Wi-Fi, a decent laptop or phone with camera, and skill with the video...

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Colorado Courts Reopen in May 2020

By Beth Andersen Now that Coloradans have moved from Shelter-at-Home order to Safer-at-Home, Colorado courts are rolling out increased in-person operations, beginning this month. Andersen Law PC is closely following the court's protocols and updating our own as new...

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